second chance [gym]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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j.j. harlow DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 22:23:15 GMT
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 As J.J. steps through the door and into the clean and state-of-the-art building, he can't help but to smile and admire Wren's success despite both his and their father's absence. He knows that she has her own parents to worry over, of course, but it was only proper for him to have been there for her considering their close ties to one another.

While keen on kindling a new relationship with his half-sister, that's only half his interest in getting to know the girl. Truthfully, he's more interested ruining his own father's reputation however he could and the girl seemed like an excellent foothold to get started with.

Although the new facility seems filled to the brim with all sort of cutting edge technology, he can't help but feel its lacking in help. Standing over the receptionist table, he sets his I.D. against it, giving the receptionist a charming smile. "I'm looking for Wren." he says bluntly as he waits for them to scan his indetification.
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POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 22:49:16 GMT
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As a Gym Leader, Wren was supposed to educate. She was supposed to guide the new and old to a stronger understanding of their time in Hoenn. War may rage but Gym challenges never quit. She supposed she wasn't surprised when the grunt from before showed up. Half of the gym was funded by Rocket. They may want her to train them.

Jay was his name. That was what he gave her last time they met. J.J. - or just Jay for her sanity. "You found her" the doors opened as the secretary pinged her to the arrival. Wren wasn't even sure if the secretary was League or Rocket, but it was a good guess that they were criminal in ties. They didn't blink an eye at fake IDs so far.

"Traditional challenge... hmmm" Wren uttered to herself as the woman at the desk reminded her "fine" she beckoned Jay to follow her into the Gym. "challenger gets first punch. We each get three Pokemon and one at a time. Only you're allowed to swap out. Sound good?" Her eyes glanced back at the man, waiting for his confirmation. He would have went through this signing up but whatever.

Sometimes people didn't listen.

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he, him, his
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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j.j. harlow DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 3:05:29 GMT
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 He casually waves goodbye to the secretary as he steps through the door and into the actual battle area. "Sure~" he promptly replies in a childish tone as he stands further across from her.

He taps his right index finger against his chin as he ponders what pokemon he should use to confront her; after all, he only chose to participate in the gym challenge on a whim. Without thinking too hard, he finally makes his decision, pulling out a pokeball and nonchalantly tossing it out, releasing Shelly the Audino from her confinements.

The creature lets out a small cry as it looks back to J.J. then across to the girl. "So, have a good day so far?" he asks Wren casually, waiting for her to choose her own pokemon. Clearly he didn't seem to be taking the battle seriously.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 17:47:41 GMT
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What was with this guy? First, during their mission, he touches her hair without asking. Then he's being utterly lackadaisical about the gym challenge. He takes out an Audino, surprising her but she's... ready. She already knows what Pokemon she's going with. With a flash of light, Lennox the Lucario stands tall.

"I guess" she says unhelpfully at his cheer, raising a brow at the man. What was his deal? Seemed like he was stalking her if she - okay, yeah, she was the paranoid type. "how... is your day?" was this what Gym Leaders were supposed to do? Ask about days or get right to business? Kat and Kyle had exchanged pleasantries before getting into it. She supposed... that was the right way.

"Your move" Wren says, readying herself and her Pokemon. Lennox's eyes narrowed at the Audino, beckoning with one paw.

lucario - steadfast - male
metal claw. swords dance. meteor mash.
force palm. quick-attack. close combat.

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he, him, his
november 13th
it ain't easy
being cheesy
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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j.j. harlow DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 23:30:02 GMT
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 A chuckle escapes his lips upon seeing how nervous and paranoid the girl is. It's quite adorable and humorous if he were to be honest. Yet that lackadaisical attitude and charm he carries with him quickly fades as his blue eyes turn to the Lucario.

Against it all, the girl means business and he isn't the type to back away from a serious challenge. Shelly's eye seems to twitch at the sight of the Lucario taunting her with its open palm and she briefly looks back to her trainer, pointing at the bipedal canine as if she were asking permission. J.J. quietly lowers his head as he ruffles the back of his hair, looking upwards. "Alright, thank you for your kindness. he says somewhat chillingly.

Upon confirmation, Shelly turns back to the Lucario, puffing its cheeks just before opening her mouth, letting loose a loud song-like cry - it's DISARMING VOICE causing the air to seemingly vibrate and distort towards the Lucario.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 0:34:15 GMT
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"Huh?" Wren gaped openly, raising a brow at his sudden one eighty. Suddenly he means business, not unlike him back at the taxi. Making notes. Doing his job. But this wasn't Rocket business. This was not even League business. She was here to do a job as a new Gym Leader.

And she was going to do it right.

If Jay didn't want to talk anymore, she'd let loose. Simple. "Quick Attack" she utters to her Lucario. He grunts, flying toward the Audino. The Disarming Voice shakes his very ear drums but he presses on, still healthy and able to fight. He aims a pushing shove at Shelley, hoping to test the Pokemon's durability in the first stretch.

He is perturbed by the Disarming Voice, don't get him wrong. Vibrations seem to take shape in the air around his vision, but the attack is weak and he is able to push through the damage it causes.

lucario - steadfast - male
metal claw. swords dance. meteor mash.
force palm. quick-attack. close combat.

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he, him, his
november 13th
it ain't easy
being cheesy
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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j.j. harlow DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 0:52:58 GMT
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 J.J. silently watches as the Lucario pushes through against the vibrations of the Audino’s cries. Shelly recoils backwards in pain upon being slammed by the canine, yet there’s a ferocity in her that doesn’t hesitate to stop as she reaches outwards, grabbing onto the Lucario’s palm to pull herself forward.

Without hesitation, she springs forward, her head glowing a purplish glint as she tries to ZEN HEADBUTT the two-legged dog directly against its snout.

The corner of his lip curls upwards as he’s somewhat proud of the Audino’s tenacity, but his guard doesn’t drop as he eyes the Lucario’s trainer somewhat curious and apprehensive of what she might have planned for her next move. ”Shelly, get some distance.” he barks.

The Audino is quick to respond as she quickly begins hopping away from the Lucario repeating what it had previously done to her as she wags her palm at it.

audino, regenerator, female
zen headbutt, hyper voice, disarming voice.
heal pulse, misty terrain, helping hand.

p.s. rolling for flinch chance w/ anything between 1-20 as the goal.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 1:01:44 GMT
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Finally, the battle was getting serious. The Audino and her trainer go on the defensive, causing Wren to choose a more aggressive strategy. "Force Palm" she calls out. Lennox is shaking off the Zen Headbutt inflicted on him, caught by Shelley. He is surprised like Wren that the Audino is a fighter. Interesting.

He gains distance on the Audino, forcing himself into her personal bubble. She wants distance? He won't give it to her. He aims a sharp punch in her direction, shoving it close to her stomach in an attempt to move the battle along. Wren knows Lennox isn't cruel - if he wanted to go for her throat or head he would have. But the Audino is no threat to his trainer, and therefore spared.

But he won't spare a lesson when he needs to give one. The blow may stun her monetarily but he didn't expect it to last long. Wren better come up with a counter attack soon.

lucario - steadfast - male
metal claw. swords dance. meteor mash.
force palm. quick-attack. close combat.

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he, him, his
november 13th
it ain't easy
being cheesy
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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j.j. harlow DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 1:19:13 GMT
j.j. harlow Avatar
 Shelly struggles to make proper distance as both Wren and the Lucario are stubbornly inclined for close quarter combat. J.J. clicks his tongue as he knows the Audino isn’t much of a fighter despite her tenacity and taunting.

The damage being dealt is a little more than it can handle and she clearly looks to be wearing for the worst as the Lucario invades her personal bubble.

Frowning, he holds out his pokeball, recalling her through a red beam. Surprised by the sudden recall, she looks back to her trainer in disappointment, but is unable to voice out her complaints as she suddenly disappears within the red and white ball. He gives Wren a smile as he lightly tosses it up and down.

”Not bad, not bad…” he tauntingly chides knowing full well that the Audino is going to recover from any damage that was dealt now that she’s back in her pokeball thanks to her useful ability.

Without saying much else he tosses out a new pokeball, letting out an imposing looking Pinsir as it lets out a mighty roar – glaring over at the Lucario as if it were its new prey. Its large pincers briefly grind against each other as it takes a stance.

pinsir, mold breaker, male
x-scissor, superpower, bind.
swords dance, harden, focus energy.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 1:36:14 GMT
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The Audino was done. It was clear on the face of the Pokemon. But Wren was aware of its ability to heal itself upon being recalled. So that's why he did it. To bring it out again once it healed... Clever. He knew what he was doing, especially since Wren couldn't switch per her own rules.

But her rules also say switching can be deadly. She was granted a free turn.

"Quick Attack, again" she calls, having the first move against the Pinsir. Those pincers would be deadly - she'd have to watch out. Lennox huffs, shooting toward the bug-type and colliding with him. This time, there is no holding back like he did against Shelley. He moves in mid-air, using his elbow to shove against the other Pokemon harshly.

lucario - steadfast - male
metal claw. swords dance. meteor mash.
force palm. quick-attack. close combat.
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he, him, his
november 13th
it ain't easy
being cheesy
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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j.j. harlow DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 1:53:30 GMT
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 As if anticipating the girl’s retaliation J.J. only smiles as the Lucario dashes mid-air towards the Pinsir, watching as it slams its elbow into the large bug’s cheek. Its head tilts slightly from the force, but it’s not enough for it to take a single step back. Sturdy and battle-hardened, there’s a cold glint in the humanoid beetle’s eye as it snaps its head forward, pushing back against the elbow.

Gatack’s arms seemingly begin to bulge and glow yellow as it quickly wraps them around the Lucario in a powerful bear hug. The cold glint in its eye as if it had caught the poor dog-like pokemon in its trap. It squeezes tightly with its SUPERPOWER as it tries to crush it within its grasp.

pinsir, mold breaker, male
x-scissor, superpower, bind.
swords dance, harden, focus energy.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 17:12:48 GMT
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Shit shit shit. Lennox is caught in the grip of the Pinsir, where he howls in pain. His back arches dangerously as the bug type more or less gives him a strong bear hug. Wren cries out with him, feeling his hurt. "Metal Claw, quickly!" He had been one of the first Pokemon she ever received, and his pain was her own.

Hearing her wail, the Lucario grunts and tries to focus on the offense. Raising both his paws he brings them down on the Pinsir's face. His claws are sharpened by steel, aiming to momentarily blind the Pokemon or make him release his hold. But it's clear with the Zen Headbutt's assault and the Disarmed Voice that Lennox is tiring.

How long would he last? Wren would try to make him proud and not recall him until he fainted. Like she could anyway... Gritting her teeth, she tried to bare through it as much as he could. But it hurt her to see him like this.

lucario - steadfast - male
metal claw. swords dance. meteor mash.
force palm. quick-attack. close combat.

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he, him, his
november 13th
it ain't easy
being cheesy
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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j.j. harlow DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2020 8:56:28 GMT
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 Gatack braces for impact as the Lucario brings its paws downwards, clawing away at its face, but the already scarred Pinsir seems to hold strong as it simply squeezes harder, locking the poor beast in a BIND.

"You're going to have to do something better than that if you want to escape." he chides the gym leader, offering some advice towards her desperation.

Having the Lucario in its clutches, the Pinsir has no intention of letting it go as its attempt at crushing the bipedal canine into submission will continue on so long as the poor pokemon remains in battle. J.J.'s lips curve upwards mischievously as he smiles at the girl, wondering exactly what she might do.

pinsir, mold breaker, male
x-scissor, superpower, bind.
swords dance, harden, focus energy.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2020 18:09:09 GMT
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She could do Close Combat, but there were problems with that. Wren chewed her lip thoughtfully, trying to figure out what else she could do for Lennox. The Pinsir was not phased with the assault and the more the Bind happened, the more the damage would stack up over time.

"Quick attack" she grunts from her spot, giving a reassuring nod to the Lucario. If the Pinsir wouldn't let go, there was no way about it. They'd fight with them attached. Lennox gains footing on the ground, his back legs tearing into the dirt and claws out to get a grip. Struggling against the Pinsir, he swings his body backwards from the bug - with the bug still attached.

The Lucario slams into the ground, using a pseudo suplex to make the Pinsir crash into the ground along with him. He may not have a Rock-move to deal with the bug, but the ground was close enough. Quick attack only sped up the movement - the Lucario used his own strength to throw.

lucario - steadfast - male
metal claw. swords dance. meteor mash.
force palm. quick-attack. close combat.
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he, him, his
november 13th
it ain't easy
being cheesy
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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j.j. harlow DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 15:42:34 GMT
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 His eyes narrow when the Lucario uses its speed and personal strength to start lifting the Pinsir off from the ground. For a brief moment, the battle-scarred bug is caught off guard, but it refuses to let go and only tightens its grip around it.

”Gatack, harden!” he commands immediately in response to the Lucario’s quick thinking. For a brief moment, the Pinsir’s body shines as its carapace thickens – softening the blow.

J.J. smiles as he slowly plots out a war of attrition against the fledgling gym leader; after all, the Pinsir’s BIND over the Lucario would still do damage even if it were stuck on the defensive now. Even against the ground, the Pinsir quickly exerts its own physical strength as it quickly pulls the Lucario down to the ground with it.

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